natural disasters are unpredictable ، it can affect people around the world. it caused by climate ، geology and the environment . hazard can't called a disaster unless it destroyed homes and livelihoods . the growth of population and the environmental degradation mean's that people and world are vulnerable to natural disaster especially in costal areas ( floods , tidal waves ) .
Disaster management is a complex series of activities that include risk assessment, prevention measures, preparedness to cope with future disasters, emergency response to a disaster, recovery and reconstruction.
Two factors can reduce the impact of natural disaster which is the Good development and the community preparedness . it can help those people who lives in hazard-prone areas With few financial resources .
Emergency Response
When disaster strikes the first thing they do is saving lives ( humanitarian action ). in order to do this, they usually follow these response :
· Search and rescue - finding those who may be trapped under debris;
· Assessment of needs - working out what is required, in what quantities, and for whom
· Health – providing medical care and preventing the spread of disease through immunization, the provision of safe water and food, waste disposal and burial of the dead
· Basic needs - procuring and distributing food, shelter and clothing
· Gender - understanding the roles of men and women in families and communities to identify needs and ensure the fair distribution of resources
· Livelihood and economy - assisting people earn a living to speed their recovery
· Emotional support - counseling and reuniting separated families
· Logistics - transporting people and equipment
· Finance - obtaining, allocating and accounting for money
· Communication - providing affected people with information, informing the, fundraising
· Infrastructure - rebuilding roads, electricity and telephone networks, water pipelines, and waste disposal systems.
Emergency response should save the most possible number of victims. There are some issues needs to be considered in the disaster response which are :
· respecting local knowledge while using international best practice
· meeting survival needs in a culturally appropriate manner (e.g. types of food, clothing, shelter)
· limiting the effects of aid on the local economy
· training people, organizations and communities to manage development fairly
· prioritizing the distribution of limited supplies
· gaining funding for long-term redevelopment and disaster preparedness, rather than simply responding to the current emergency situation.
Disaster recovery
When disaster is over , people need to rebuild their lives and livelihoods .communities also needs to rebuild their social and physical infrastructure and revitalize the economy. Its take plenty of time and money To make sure that every thing will be back like it was or even partly. Seasonal factors must be considered ; for example , seeds need to be distributed during the planting season and the type of temporary shelter used will depend on the climate and season.
Disaster preparedness
There are many ways that can be done to prepare for future disasters like:
1- modifying or removing the causes of any likely hazard by building houses away from hazard prone areas, building levy banks in flood prone areas and upgrading stoves to reduce the risk of fire .
2- taking measures to reduce the effects of a hazard by building houses to standards that will protect people during a hazard, developing early warning systems that can function without power systems, developing response plans, defining the roles and training of emergency services personnel, collecting and storing resources and equipment to ensure a quick response, educating the public and rehearsing for a hazard (eg evacuation drill).
Reconstruction after a disaster provides significant opportunities for improved development including:
· planning the response and recovery to prepare for future hazards;
· upgrading infrastructure, including roads, communication networks and water and sanitation systems to withstand disasters and assist in emergency response;
· building hazard resistant public buildings and housing to reduce the impact of hazards;
· developing the skills of local personnel to increase their capacity to respond to an emergency;
· poverty alleviation to reduce the vulnerability of those with limited resources;
· expansion and modernization of the economic base.
International responses
In 1994 concern about standards prompted the development of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and seven NGOs to develop the Code of Conduct for The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief. which contains the following principles:
1. The humanitarian imperative comes first.
2. Aid is given regardless of the race, creed or nationality of the recipients and without adverse distinction of any kind. Aid priorities are calculated on the basis of need alone.
3. Aid will not be used to further a particular political or religious standpoint.
4. We shall Endeavour not to act as instruments of government foreign policy.
5. We shall respect culture and custom.
6. We shall attempt to build disaster response in local capacities.
7. Ways shall be found to involve program me beneficiaries in the management of relief aid.
8. Relief aid must strive to reduce future vulnerabilities to disaster as well as meeting basic needs.
9. We hold ourselves accountable to both those we seek to assist and those from whom we accept resources.
10. In our information, publicity and advertising activities, we shall recognise disaster victims as dignified human beings, not hopeless objects.
In 2000 the Sphere Project took these principles further and outlined minimum standards for the key aid delivery areas.